our mission

At Coraline Foundation, our mission is to save the ocean, the vital lifeblood of our planet. The ocean is the foundation of life on Earth, supporting ecosystems, regulating climate, and providing resources and livelihoods for millions. We are dedicated to sustaining and preserving our oceans through focused efforts in coral conservation and marine protection.

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How We Achieve Our Mission:

Supporting Conservation Organizations:

A portion of all donations and revenues goes directly to trusted organizations dedicated to coral conservation in Costa Rica and Panama. These partnerships amplify our impact and help protect critical marine habitats.

corals under water

Education and Awareness:

We strive to educate communities and raise awareness about the importance of ocean conservation, inspiring collective action to protect our oceans for future generations.

corals under water

Coral Gardening Initiatives:

We actively engage in coral gardening, nurturing and restoring coral reefs to ensure the health and diversity of marine life. Our hands-on approach allows us to make a tangible difference in the ecosystems we cherish.

corals and diver under water
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"Every contribution, whether through donations or purchases, supports our mission and the health of our oceans. Together, we can create a thriving marine environment and a sustainable future for all."

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The Crucial Role of Restoration in Coral Reef Conservation

Restoration plays a crucial role in enhancing the recovery of reef ecosystems from disturbances and mitigating degradation. It acts as a bridge to support coral reefs through future climate change conditions.


Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in Your Daily Life

Switch to reusable straws to minimize plastic waste and protect marine life. Small changes for a big impact on our oceans.


The Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Travel

Offset your travel emissions and support environmental projects with carbon offset programs. Travel sustainably and make a difference.


How to Create an Ocean-Friendly Garden

Learn the benefits of planting native species to conserve water, reduce chemicals, and support local wildlife. Transform your garden today!

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